Monday, July 13, 2009

I've got no pictures to post but they wouldn't be any good anyway. We began our first week of me being at work and Bella starting Preschool full time. As expected the first day was very difficult dropping her off. She was very excited to go and when we got there she even marched right in there and even went right into the potty. I guess I waited too long because when I went to leave she went a little cuckoo and was clinging and pulling my hair to hold on to me. It was absolutely heartbreaking. Of course I cried like a baby and not just a tear or two either.

Day 2: She held my hand at drop off and asked me"Mommy can you not go to work today?" I said "No I gotta go to work so I can buy you toys" Who's betting that will come back to bite me in the butt? The kids were outside so at this point she just walked away from me. OK, better.

Day 3: She threw herself all over the floor all morning saying she didn't want to go. When we finally go there she sat down and looked at me like why are you still here. GREAT!

Wednesday night she woke up coughing and had a fever.

Day 4: Mike stays home from work with her. That night 102 degree fever.

Day 5: Mike takes her to work with him to talk to a few coworkers about what he's missed. Then he takes her to the doctor. She is diagnosed with a double ear infection apparently due to her not blowing her nose (use your imagination here) As a note she is 3 1/2 and this is her first ear infection. How? I have no idea, apparently I had a ton when I was a kid and subsequently had to have tubes put in.

Anyway my week was incredibly boring with a few highlights here and there but I have never been good in the classroom as I have an undiagnosed case of A.D.D. so it was difficult to concentrate and the training was an hour drive away so I had to get up super early. Blah blah blah.

This week I got to be in the store and so far that is proving much more exciting. Bella's first day back was very traumatic again pulling hair and all and all morning she wailed "I wanna go to Daddy's work!!!" AH well that's what's up!