Sunday, July 5, 2009

4 of the July and fruit pizza

I got this amazing recipe at My litter of six and it was sooo yummy! Pretty too!
We had a few random fireworks going off aside from our own
Straight out of the bath in her nightgown. I swear if it is not a dress of some sort she WILL NOT wear it! Not that I am arguing that as they are very easy but she has so many other clothes that are just sitting there. It also makes playtime not so easy. But I digress...
Some of our pitiful fireworks, Mike made them into the shape of a "C" AWWWW

While he's lighting ours she is looking at bigger ones in the sky
Her nightgown was bunched up in her panties

The next day in her ballerina leotard (thanks Farrah!)
I have yet to figure out why we didn't do anything this 4th of July. I guess maybe we just didn't feel like it but anyway we had a great home cooked dinner and dessert ans some quiet family time. Ah well its off to work I go, wish me much success PLEASE!!