Thursday, February 5, 2009

"I like Jesus"

Ahhh some more Bellaisms to brighten your day....

While in the car with Ethan today, "I like Jesus,do you like Jesus Ethan?"

On the way to meet Daddy, "I love my daddy Michael, he's a good guy"

As most of you know Bella does not stop talking and to be quite honest sometimes I tune her out(hey I spend 24 hours a day with her!) but tonight I was driving and I turned off the radio and listened. She began a talking and singing tirade that went on for 30 minutes straight.

She sang a song she made up about GodJesus(I think she thinks they are the same person) that went "GodJesus loves to eat Emma's bo-ttle!" Jesus loves me when I say twinkle twinkle little star up above the whirl so high...oh sleeping beauty is a big girl who goes poopy in the potty and Bella is a baby who goes pee-pee and poopy in her diaper and she is rotten and Nitnots is so boooorrrrinngg! Just Kidding!"
Yes her new phrase is "Just Kidding" She even says it with a little sarcasm in her tone. At the end of this tirade she said "Whew Mommy I need to take a break!"(as she took a few deep breaths)

She also has a pair of boots that for the longest time she refused to wear so I used to sing to her "These boots are made for walkin" to get her to wear them. Tonight as we put them on she said "my boots are not gonna walk all over me Mommy"

Heading to Disney this weekedn so I am sure I will have new pics then...
